A human being begins to learn as soon as they take their first breath. This breath is the start of an entire life’s worth of experiences that grow a knowledgeable soul. As teachers, we help mold these humans into, not only knowledgeable souls, but contributing members of a society they can change for the better. Such a task seems daunting, but lets look at the basics of being the foundation of a generation.

Establish values:
At a school like BYU, we are focused on honor and values. As we learn and grow through courses and hands on experience, our establishment of core values is basically set in stone. You will undoubtedly come to a conclusion on the types of merits and ethics you wish to establish in your future classrooms and in your future students. Your values may not be the exact same as the values of your neighboring graduate, but they will be rooted in a desire to better the world. What better could we do than what we see as best?
Practice Skills:
In higher education we are given instruction on all the skills and the knowledge necessary to teach in the real world. But more than notes in a notebook or text in a textbook, we have the opportunity to put these skills into practice during practicums at local schools, and student teaching in the years to come. The education program is prepared to send you on your way a well practiced teacher equipped to work with through the pressures of a school system.
Determine Needs and Wants:
When we know what a person needs, we seek to fulfill that need. The trickiest part is finding out what those needs and wants are. With in-person classes beginning this fall there will be so many opportunities to socialize and get to know knew people. In these initial moments of an acquaintanceship we get to know an individual and their likes and dislikes. But as the acquaintanceship grows to friendship, deeper connections allow us the room to ask personal questions regarding a persons needs and wants. Take a chance this coming semester to practice determining others needs and wants!

While founding a new generation of people is a lofty task, we don't do it alone. Just as we hope to teach and reach our students, our own teachers and professors have sought to do the same. We become part of a long pedigree of teachers and educators with the same goal to better the lives of the next generation. As you continue through your education here at BYU keep in mind the values you hope to establish, the skills you look to practice, and the needs and wants of those around you. A good teacher isn't born, a good teacher is trained through a blend of theory and practical application in classrooms. The McKay School strives to do just that--join us on our journey to build up the next generation.