In the PE Teaching and Coaching major, we get experience teaching in a classroom as well as coaching. This semester for my class PETE 330R, we had to do 20 hours of shadowing a coach, and I had the opportunity to shadow the gymnastics coaches here at BYU! It was such an amazing opportunity and I learned a lot from Coach Young and Coach Broekman.
Here are three of my biggest take aways from observing professional coaches:
#1 A good coach has good time management
Coach Young had a schedule for practice so each athlete and coach knew where they need to be and when. This helped practice run really smoothly, and the gymnasts were able to get the maximum amount training done in one day.
#2 A good coach gives individual feedback
All the coaches talked to each individual athlete they were coaching at practice and at meets to help them improve. After meets, Coach Young pulled the gymnasts aside and read them what the judges said about their routine. He then gave them instructions that applies specifically to them and their needs to help them improve their routine. Doing this seemed to help the athletes trust the coaches and want to improve.
#3 A good coach leads by example
A coach leads their athletes by their example and actions. The gymnastics coaches at BYU were all respectful to their athletes, the opposing team, the judges, the athletic trainer and every other person I saw them talk to. Because they did this, the attitudes and atmosphere of the practices and meets I attended were positive and energetic.

These three things apply whether you want to coach a sport or teach a subject in school!
Click here if you want to learn more about coaching or practicum experiences here at the McKay School.