The McKay School's annual Dinner with a Principal event was a huge success! Students were able to meet principals from the different BYU-Public School Partnership districts, ask questions, network, and enjoy good food and company. Our student ambassadors were able to attend and would recommend it to everyone next year! Here are some of their takeaways:
Megan Brinton: "One of the main things I learned from attending was how important it is for new teachers to exhibit the quality of being teachable. Principals are looking to hire new teachers who have that willingness to learn and grow instead of trying to prove that they have it all figured out. As we are entering the field of education, it is important to realize that we really don't have all of the answers yet and are still learning. As long as we have enthusiasm and energy and are excited to teach, we are set up for success."
Kamora Shelton: "I learned so much about the interview process at Dinner with a Principal! Walk in with confidence; body language says a lot about a person. Principal Alicia Demill recommend we all watch the TED Talk "Your body language may shape who you are" about confidence to prepare for our interviews. Doug Flinch and Scott Gonsalves also stressed the importance of filling out the entire job application correctly and to use good references. A good reference is someone who is honest and knows how you work. The teacher you student taught with can be a great reference, just make sure to ask whoever you are using for permission!"

Ashley Roberts: "Dinner with a principal was such a fun experience! This was my first time attending and I learned so much. Some of the big discussion topics at my table were the most important attributes that principals look for in teachers in the hiring process. Some of these attributes were positive attitudes, ability to collaborate, compassion for students, and classroom management. These are all skills that I have been learning at BYU. I am excited to implement these into my future job interviews and classrooms!"

Annie Wright: "I loved dinner with a principal because it gave me the opportunity to ask any questions I had about applying for jobs, internships vs student teaching, and Utah schools in general. My favorite part about the dinner was when we got to know the principals and spent time talking about their schools. It was so cool to see how much these principals care about their students and how involved they are in the every day life within the school. It was also really helpful for me to talk through the advantages and disadvantages of student teaching vs internship."
We'd love to see you at Dinner with a Principal next year if you weren't able to attend this year! Click here to schedule an appointment with a student ambassador to learn more about education.