Many people who start studying to be a teacher may feel like the task is a little daunting. There is a lot of planning and responsibility on the shoulders of teachers. This is true, but you are not alone! Past and current teachers have experienced these same worries, and have started putting things into place to help the future generations. When you feel like you need some help coming up with ideas and lesson plans, check out the resources below, and click the links to go to their websites:

1. Teachers Pay Teachers: An online marketplace where teachers can sell their original lesson plans and course materials to other teachers. However, some of the content is free!
2. Ted-Ed: A website that contains video and lesson ideas that teachers can use in their lessons, and students can use to explore.

3. Share My Lesson: A free teaching resource website where teachers can find lesson plans and thousands of resources!
4. Educreations: An interactive whiteboard that is fun and engaging. It allows you to teach material though the incorporation of technology.

5. Teach With Movies: A site that contains lesson plan ideas that incorporate movies and are meant to motivate and engage students throughout the lesson.
For other resources, check out THIS article. It outlines several other resources you can use as a future teacher. So, don't worry about taking on all of the responsibility. There are people and resources out there to help!