Hey everybody! Happy October! Midterms may be spooky, but you've got this! This week in CPSE 480: Becoming a Multicultural Educator, we have been discussing how every individual has a culture and a background that makes them who they are.

Sometimes in special education, we focus so much on the disability of the students that we forget the other important things that make our students individuals. In CPSE 480, we're learning about cultural differences in students that we may not think about.
You never know what is going on in a student's life outside the classroom. Perhaps your student celebrates different holidays than you do, or maybe their parents speak a different language at home than you do at school. Integrating some of this student's culture in the classroom can help the child to feel at home and to better thrive at school.
There are many cultural aspects that impact a student's life, including: race, ethnicity, demographic, gender roles, values, language, traditions, art, music, and artifacts. Perhaps your student really loves basketball or listens to a lot of country music. Get to know your students! Connecting with students on this level will do wonders for their learning. What a great way to minister to the one like Christ would!
You have a culture too! What makes you YOU?
If you're interested in special education or any of the other majors in the McKay School, schedule a meeting with a student ambassador here!
You can also visit us during Ambassador Afternoons in the McKay Commons in the Group Study Room from 11am-1pm on Mondays,1pm-3pm on Tuesdays, and noon-2pm on Wednesdays. We'd love to hear from you!