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Seek Learning Podcast: Learn more about McKay School Faculty Research

Writer's picture: Student AmbassadorsStudent Ambassadors

The Seek Learning podcast brings the best educational research from the McKay School of Education into the homes and lives of Latter-day Saints. Each episode features an interview with a different scholar to learn about education and how it can help Latter-day Saints in their professions, homes, and gospel living. The podcast is sponsored by the BYU Latter-day Saint Educators Society.

Check out some of our favorite episodes!

Isaac Calvert, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, BYU

I really enjoyed listening to this episode because it talks about education in a way that I don’t think of regularly. Education is sacred and teaching is a special profession and a sacred activity. One thing that stood out to me in this podcast, was when they said, “If the gospel means trying to be like Christ and Christ was a teacher then teaching is indeed a special and sanctified profession.” I love my major and I am beyond excited to become a teacher. However, I have come across people who question my career choice, or think that studying to become a teacher is me taking the “easy route.” Hearing Isaac Calvert describe teaching as a special calling and a sacred activity makes me feel even more confident in my decision to become a teacher. Isaac also talked about how learning is eternal, so how cool is it that we get to be that person in someone’s life that has the privilege to teach them?! I also loved the part where Isaac and Heather were discussing God helping us as we teach and learn. They said, “God will personally attend any and every honest attempt to teach and learn in a sacred way.” It was comforting to know that although we won’t be teaching gospel principles in the classrooms, once we’re out there in the real world, no matter how bad we feel like a lesson went, or how misbehaved our class was one day, we are not alone and God will help us as we are teaching our students and learning to become a batter teacher each day!

The Sacredness of Teaching: Anna

“The Sacredness of Teaching” with Isaac Calvert focuses on how teaching is a continuous process. After referencing the Torah, Calvert dives into the reasons why we must continuously learn, and continuously teach. Through Jewish fables, stories, and historical culture, this podcast highlights the life of Christ and how, because He was the ultimate teacher, we should strive to be as He is and make teaching a sacred process. This all starts with the studying of holy books, bringing the spirit into our life, and working with God to teach. I loved this podcast because it brought new insight into Jesus Christ’s life and the effect teaching can have on both the teacher and the student.

Erin Feinauer Whiting, Ph.D. – Associate Professor, Teacher Education, Brigham Young University

I really liked this episode because it was directed at people who have felt that they have not belonged before and what we can do to help our students and loved ones to feel like they belong. As someone who has always struggled with feeling left out of groups and finding a place where I felt like I belonged, I want to help people feel like they belong so they do not feel the pain that I have felt before. As educators and humans, I believe it is our duty to make sure everyone feels like they have a place in their society. In this episode, the guest speaker Erin Feinauer Whiting did a study with students from junior high school. Belonging is a motivator for many people and if people do not feel like they belong, their motivation is lower. One of the takeaways from this episode was that to increase belonging, we must be friendlier and more authentic. What really brought the episode together was the spiritual and gospel perspective of belonging. Erin shared her opinion on how she believes that God is an inclusive God, “I think God is very serious about unity. I think He wants us to be united with Him, and with each other.” I hope whoever listens to this episode of the Seek Learning podcast can find it as enriching as I did.

Barbara Morgan Gardner, Ph.D. - Associate Professor, Church History, Brigham Young University

I personally had never heard about this podcast and was interested to see what it was all about. I absolutely loved everything I learned. It was uplifting as Barbara told her story about adopting two girls in need and helping them learn. She talked about our prophet, President Nelson, and how he has encouraged us to do better. I loved the part that invited us to decide what we want to get rid of in our life that is not needed and continue forward trusting in the Lord. I will defiantly be listening to more of these!!

If you want to listen to the podcast, click here!

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