I just finished my first semester of practicum! The PETE program has three semesters of practicum: one in Elementary, One in Middle school, and one in High school. This semester I taught a few PE lessons at Wasatch Elementary and Spring Creek Elementary. I taught mainly 6th grade, and while I thought it would be really difficult, it actually turned out to be really fun!
The first day I was so nervous but also excited that I got to teach 6th grade. Over the days I gradually grew more comfortable teaching and it ended up feeling more like I was just having fun with the students!
Here are the two main things I learned:
This is just the beginning and you will improve. I had to keep reminding myself this because I felt like I was not doing a good job. I have been learning how to teach and have good classroom managment for a few semesters but expirencing it is a whole different thing. As I get more practice in the classroom I will feel more confortable teaching and do a better job.
Along with the first thing, you have to recognize what you are doing well. While it can be helpful to know what you did poorly to be able to work on improving, it is also very important to know what you did well. Doing this will help keep you motivated to go back and keep trying.
Plan more than you think you need. This was our first time making a lesson plan and then actully teaching it. I was surprised with how fast we moved through each lesson. Kids have a short attention span and in PE it is important to move on to different activities often to keep everyone engadeged. By planing more than you think you need, it gives you something to fall back on incase you finish early of a different activity you planned doesn't work out.
If you are about to start practicum, good luck!! You got this!
If you want to learn more about what we learn in the Physical Education Teaching/Coaching major click here to schedule an appointment with our PETE student ambassador!