Hey everyone!
You did it...you made it through the semester. You've completed your finals (or almost!), and now you can finally relax and take it easy!
Before you go home, or wherever else you will be spending your break, we just wanted to thank everyone for an awesome semester! It has been so fun getting to know you all and learn more about you these last few months. So...congratulations on completing your first semester here at BYU!

We hope you all have an amazing break. Take some time to relax and enjoy your favorite holiday traditions. We are excited to see you all in the McKay School again in January, and hear what you did over the break!

Before you head out, go check out the Christmas lights at Temple Square in Salt Lake. They are worth the trip, and going to Temple Square is a great way to remember the true meaning of Christmas. With that, don't forget to stay warm, eat lots of Christmas cookies, and have a great break! See you soon!
Merry Christmas!