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An Afternoon with Julie B. Beck (Mary Lou Fulton Lecture)

We recently had the opportunity to attend a lecture and participate in an essay contest centered around the theme of faith, intellect and character. Sister Julie B. Beck, who served as the first counselor in the General Young Women Presidency, gave the lecture. She talked about the importance of education from an eternal perspective. Here are our thoughts!

Bethany: I loved attending Sister Beck's lecture. Sister Beck shared that we, as teachers, have a very important duty. We are able to have such a good influence on students. God cares about what we teach. He cares about our students. As Julie B. Beck shared, "This is a job that matters to God." 

Ashley: I loved attending Sister Beck's lecture last week! She had so many great insights. One of my favorite things that she said was that the only person we should compare ourselves to is our past selves. I loved this statement because comparing ourselves to others always brings discouragement. I also have applied this principle to the students I work with in practicum. It is much more effective and positive to only compare our students skills and abilities to their past selves rather than to other students. 

Kamora: I learned a lot from Sister Beck! She urged us to recognize the responsibility we have in shaping the lives of others through education, emphasizing the value of every human soul. My favorite thing she said was, "Choose to be a force for good in the lives of those around us." I liked this quote because it helped me remember the power we hold as teachers in shaping the lives of our students. Each child I will teach is a child of God and I want to help them see their personal value.

Megan: One of the main things that stood out to me from Sister Beck's lecture was her advice to "welcome the task that makes you go beyond yourself and you will grow." I think that oftentimes we like to stay where we're comfortable, but growth only comes when we push ourselves. When applying this to education, I know that there is always room for improvement as an educator. I need to be willing to accept feedback and implement it into my teaching practices in order to become more like my Savior, the Master Teacher.

If you did not get the opportunity to attend the lecture or enter the essay contest, be on the lookout for next year! Click here to learn more about the McKay School or set an appointment with an ambassadors!

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